About Us

about-la-hoja-nuevaLa Hoja Nueva Home & Garden Center is your one stop for all your gardening, landscaping and irrigation needs. We also can special order you outdoor patio furniture, oven burned pots, wall sconces, iron work and much more!

We are located in Delicias, the center of the southern Nicoya Peninsula. The land has a rich history of being an area used by the Choretega Indians. Desired for its higher elevation, cooler  breezes during the hotter months, and natural springs on the property. To this day we still can find pottery artifacts when excavating to plant on our property.

The idea of the creating a  permaculture farm/nursery   was a lifestyle choice  by Owners  Rachel and Breck Moore.  This lifestyle was the foundation of a dream when we left North America and drove to Costa Rica in 2000.  During the design and planning stage of the Home & Garden Center local eco builder and permaculture farmer Lorn Houston became part of the La Hoja Nueva Team. Lorn brings 30 years of experience of organic farming in the central valley and was one of the pioneers of eco building in Costa Rica. Lorne is one of the founders of Armonia Eco Village in Montezuma.

We have planted over 4,000 native trees, fruit trees, forestable  timber, palms, medicinal and ornamental plants. We have seen great results with return to the our property many birds and wildlife.

At La Hoja Nueva you can walk through our 1000m2 shade cloth nursery or stroll throughout the property looking at the natural forest and our fruit orchards. Planning to reforest or landscape? Get great ideas from our existing palms, trees and different garden environments.

For the past 16 years we have been creating landscape, gardens and other permaculture projects in the Nicoya Peninsula. Our many years of  experience in the area allows us to plants sustainable landscapes and design those with low water use for the areas  long dry season.

Our Mission:

Here at La Hoja Nueva we pride ourselves on using only natural or organic products.  We believe that by creating  gardens, reforesting and practicing green living we can all make a difference in this world. Be part of changing our environment and allowing nature to do to what is does best, be Natural!

Make your difference: Plant a tree today!